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What Can I Expect from H-Hour Counseling?

August 19, 2024 | By: Brooke Sikorski, LCSW | Category: Behavior Health
What Can I Expect from H-Hour Counseling?

When you begin your journey in therapy, the event that prompted you to make the initial contact is not often what drives the course of therapy ongoing. Very often, there are a series of experiences throughout our lives that we don’t give much headspace or attention to that have facilitated some of the cracks or disjointment in our foundation.

When you begin therapy, you are exploring your inner self and learning what makes you tick. Therapy is a collaborative process where the therapist offers suggestions and guidance, but the client is always in the driver’s seat. Everyone’s path is different, and it is up to the client to decide what their roadmap looks like.

For some, therapy is an episode of care that ends once their treatment goals are met.  For others, therapy is a lifestyle practice that is maintained for a personal check and balance in one’s life.  It is up to the client to determine its place in their lives.  The work is challenging, it is supposed to be.  The fact that something is hard and difficult often means that it is effective.  One’s work in treatment should be authentic, transparent, and filled with hard conversations; this is the pathway for success.

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